fredag 29 mars 2013

Senju and Uchiha Alliance! Leaf Village Born – Naruto 625

Naruto 625 offers a bond between the Uchiha and Senju which is fully in sync, until Madara realizes that he can no longer stay in the village and has to leave, at this point he vouches to kill Hashirama once he finds his true dream. The village has been fully made and their childhood dreams has finally been seen in actual works. Madara as a leader is no longer listened to as Hashirama, the first Hokage is seen as their leader now.
Naruto 625 continues on from the previous chapter with Madara receiving abuse from many other people on how he’s not going to kill himself nor his brother. Hashirama stops him, Tobirama speaks telling him that he shouldn’t listen to such a lunatic. Hashirama notices that he’s been given two reasons. Hashirama takes his armor of, then gets a kunai and seems like he’s going to stab himself.
Hashirama tells Sasuke that Madara had given him options, he didn’t want to kill his brother, thus he understood the brotherly bond in which they had. Hashirama tells Tobirama of his last words, he mentions that he’s about to do something for himself and the clan, he also mentions that he mustn’t kill Madara. Also, any fighting between the Senju and Uchiha will not be tolerated. He tells hims to swear on their fathers and their unborn young’s.
He cries and knows that these are his last moments, he goes for the stab when Madara quickly reaches his hands out and quickly tells Hashirama that he now knows what he truly believes in. After some time, they shake hands and make peace with each other. Hashirama tells Sasuke that it was like a dream, the Senju and Uchiha were finally shaking hands, there was no need to sacrifice their children.
They finally built their village, they finally joined their hands, the country of fire slowly turned into a village which was organised into protecting peace. They stand on the cliff where they first had their dream. Hashirama asks if he can still remember what they talked about, Madara mentions that he thought the dream they had was nothing but wishful thinking. Hashirama tells him that from this point on, they’ll change that into reality.
Hashirama mentions that there should be a leader who protects the country of fire from the shadow, mentioning the word Hokage. He mentions that he thinks that it would be appropriate for Madara to become their Hokage, he mentions that his brothers are no longer in this world, thus he wants him to think of everyone in the village as his siblings. He wants him to watch over everyone. Madara mentions that he couldn’t even protect his own siblings.
Hashirama mentions that the Sarutobi and the Shimura clan also want to join them, Madara is surprised they also want to join them. Hashirama also tells Madara that the village will keep on growing bigger and bigger, all they need is a name, Madara quickly comes up with a name, Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves.
Hashirama is quickly depressed with the name, Madara tells him that Hokage is the same, it doesn’t even have any sex appeal. Hashirama mentions that it took them sometime but they slowly started to become friends again. Madara asks what the Hokage has to do, mentioning that they just need to look after the village. Hashirama mentions that as time goes on, there will be more and more stuff to do.
Hashirama also asks that his head should also be carved into this massive mountain as a symbol of being able to protect him. Madara is shocked that they’re going this far to just make him do this. Tobirama appears, calling Hashirama to go the meeting with the heads. Tobirama and Madara are still not in good standing.
Hashirama tells Tobirama that he wants Madara to be the Hokage, he disagrees, he mentions that the decision must be be put upon the people and the heads of the village. Tobirama mentions that there is no way that he would be chosen, everyone knows that the founder was Hashirama, even the Uchiha acknowledge this. He also mentions that the Sharingan they posses is powered by hatred. Hashirama quickly stops Tobirama’s tone.
He hears a rustle outside their window, he looks outside to notice that leaf which Madara was holding. After a while, we see Hashirama’s face carved on the rock representing that he’s the first Hokage. Madara shows Hashirama the shrine of the Uchiha. It’s been there for a long time, and only people with the Sharingan can look upon it to reveal the special writing.
He mentions that he’s been able to get something from it back, he mentions that he’s been able to get the quest for peace, god divided things into yin and yang, thus the opposing forced must work with each other in turn to help it all work correctly. By having two forces working with each other, they can cooperate with each other.
Madara also mentions that there is another way of interpreting it, Hashirama quickly tells him that he shouldn’t be so naive, if it’s about Tobirama, he will tell him to stop, he goes on to say that he can’t do things with out him, the village will eventually realize how important he is, when there is a second Hokage, it’s most likely to be, as Hashirama speaks, Madara quickly shuts him down and says Tobirama is most likely to be the next Hokage.
Madara goes on to mention that when this happens, the Uchiha’s days will be numbered, he mentions that looking at the writing on the wall, he recommended that they distance themselves from the village, none of the Uchiha’s had shared in the same sentiment. He was unable to protect his brother, now he won’t be able to protect his clan either. He’s not even trusted by the people he wants to protect.
Hashirama goes on to say that it’s not true, Madara goes on to mention that at that time, he should have only given him the option to kill his own brother, no one else. He goes on to mention that if he calls Madara his brother, if he had to cut one down, who would it be, Tobirama or Madara. He mentions that he’s going to leave the village and follow a different path.
He goes to mention that due to the fact that he knows him so well, he was able to see that it’s a silent struggle. Hashirama won’t allow for such a thing to happen, Madara goes on to mention that they should stop with the nonsense and go their way, Madara mentions that the only other person who can fight him Hashirama. On his path to realizing the truth, he looks forward to fighting against him and going for his jugular. Naruto 625 ends here.
What an epic turnout, they finally have a good standing, but it seems that Madara now knows that something bad is going to happen to them, it’s finally getting better and better. Hopefully their final match will happen soon enough. Can’t wait for next week’s Naruto 626, when we continue with this awesome series.

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